Range voting's name has always sounded slightly of metallic and bland to me. So I propose that we call it the "free vote" instead, simply because it is probably the least restrictive voting system yet proposed. It doesn't force any rules on people except that they must give points within a specific boundary. The name "free voting" points to the systems main benefit - that it provides so much freedom with votes. Anyone who doesn't like range can simply give their favorite candidate a 10 and ignore all the other choices - hey, it's your choice, why force plurality on the rest of us. It also just rings more nicely in the ears than 'range voting'.
<br><br>And about the proportional range system I talked about earlier, the workings of the system is obvious. Under PAV rules, you assume that candidates give 1 point to an outcome for having one approved of candidate, 1/3 for the second approved of candidate, 1/5 for the third, and so on, and so on.
<br><br>Proportional range voting is simialar, except that it must occur in sets (where the sets are the amount of points that may be given to each candidate in the system). You add up the points 1 at a time, and whenever adding another point completes a set, reduce the value of the next points the person has given out by V / M * 2 + 1.
<br><br>So, here's an example of a rating that would be given to an outcome.<br><br>This is an election for two seats, with four candidates.<br><br>Range is 1-100<br><br>voters ballot: A: 25, B: 125, C: 1, D: 75<br><br>Comparing this against outcome A, B:
<br><br>The voter gave out 125 points for A and B combined<br><br>So the first 100 points count full strength for this outcome, and the next 25 count 25/ 3, or 8.333...<br><br>So the voter gives out 108.3333 points to this outcome.
<br><br><br><br><br>Now, continue this process for all outcomes, then for all other voters, sum the amount of points each voter gave to each outcome, and the outcome with the most points wins.<br>