Almost everything is there (the candidates, the voters, the votes with confirmation hashes). But where is the open source "Cloneproof/Schwartz Sequential Dropping" vote tallying software that Software in the Public Interest, Inc. is using for their election? Are they using the python script at It doesn't say. Anyway, I ran the vote against my "Dual Dropping" PERL script and got tally matrix # GOERZEN HILL HARRIS SMALL DIER PERENS GRAHAM KAPLOWITZ 123.0 79.0 95.5 89.5 92.5 63.0 95.5 100.0 64.0 115.0 92.0 75.0 78.0 58.5 92.0 91.5 46.5 48.0 114.0 52.5 53.5 38.0 61.5 67.0 60.5 67.0 89.5 126.0 81.5 55.0 88.5 79.0 51.5 65.0 87.5 66.5 119.0 47.0 86.5 88.0 89.0 86.5 103.0 99.0 101.0 131.0 103.0 101.5 45.5 47.0 76.5 51.5 52.5 38.0 111.0 68.0 40.0 49.5 72.0 63.0 55.0 42.5 71.0 114.0 # total_ballots total_votes novoteballots rejectballots 136 953 0 0 which is based on completing the truncated ballots and giving adjacent equal ranked options half vote each. The diagonal is approval counts (which in this case is just the number of votes). The results were: Number of ballots = 136. Number of votes = 953. Overall approval percentage = 87% option PERENS won round #1 (beats all), 96% approval. option GOERZEN won round #2 (beats all), 90% approval. option HILL won round #3 (beats all), 84% approval. option SMALL won round #4 (beats all), 92% approval. option DIER won round #5 (beats all), 87% approval. option KAPLOWITZ won round #6 (beats all), 83% approval. option GRAHAM won round #7 (beats all), 81% approval. which is the same top three. So their strict no count of non-voted didn't make any difference here. The "beats all" for all places means that the result was computed with plain Condorcet, the beatpath/SSD algorithm was not needed.