[EM] Proportionality vs utility: Droop quota and feasible points

Toby Pereira tdp201b at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Sep 14 14:47:22 PDT 2024

 The problem is that we can't objectively determine utilities from the scores. We can only make models that make assumptions. I don't think using total score in the trade-off is necessarily bad a thing because it's something we can easily objectively measure; I just don't think it's correct to call it "utility".
    On Saturday 14 September 2024 at 22:39:48 BST, Closed Limelike Curves <closed.limelike.curves at gmail.com> wrote:  

On the topic: I think if we ever find ourselves tempted to make a tradeoff between something we're calling "utility" and some other quantity, we've defined utility incorrectly. Specifically, I doubt voters' utilities are equal to the sum of scores they assign to each candidate. Unlike in the single-winner case, I'm not sure how we can interpret the ratings voters assign to each candidate. If scores were actually linear and additive, that would imply colored voters care just as much about going from 49% of seats for their party up to 51% as they do about going from 97% to 99%.
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