[EM] Proportionality vs utility: redoing 2008 with better units

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km-elmet at munsterhjelm.no
Thu Sep 12 10:54:53 PDT 2024

On 2024-09-12 14:33, Toby Pereira wrote:
> Thanks again for producing all this. One thing I've just realised is 
> that according to this metric, harmonic (and psi) voting continue to get 
> more proportional as you go from D'Hondt to Sainte-Laguë and pass out 
> the other side. Could this be a failing of the metric? Surely it should 
> peak with Sainte-Laguë.

That's a good point, too. I was meaning to add support for party list 
methods, which would return a number of seats per party. This would be a 
good reason to do it; I could then test it with the simple party list 
case and see whether the SLI maximizes proportionality when each issue 
space dimension corresponds to a different party.


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