[EM] Manipulability stats for more poll methods
Kristofer Munsterhjelm
km_elmet at t-online.de
Fri May 3 12:52:30 PDT 2024
Here are voter manipulability stats for most of the cardinal and
cardinal hybrid methods. The exceptions are:
- MJ, because I'm not confident enough about how I implemented it (in
particular, what tiebreaker it uses),
- Margins-Sorted Approval, because I'm not sure how it works, and
- Approval with manual runoff, because it's difficult to model the
effects of further discussion between the rounds.
Same testing parameters as the other stats: spatial (Gaussian) model, 4
dimensions, 4 candidates, 99 voters, 500k elections tested, and 32k
strategy attempts per election.
As in the last post, I've marked the non-poll methods with an asterisk.
The manipulability values are:
0.937 *Range(0-5, absolute scale)
0.928 Approval (absolute scale)[1]
0.710 *Range (0-10, normalized)
0.708 *Range(0-5, normalized)
0.705 Smith//Range(0-5, absolute scale)
0.666 Approval (mean utility thresholding)
0.655 Smith//Range(0-10, absolute scale)
0.645 STAR
0.564 Smith//Range (0-5, normalized)
0.557 Smith//Range (0-10, normalized)
0.514 Smith//Approval (explicit, mean utility cutoff)
0.490 Smith//Approval (implicit, mean utility cutoff)
0.443 Smith//DAC (mean utility truncation)[2]
Some values from my last post for reference:
0.480 Copeland//Borda (Ranked Robin)
0.417 Plurality
0.333 Schulze, minmax
0.074 Condorcet-IRV
and for verification, James Green-Armytage's results are:[3]
0.710 Range (normalized)
0.668 Approval (mean utility cutoff)
Range is not part of the poll, but it serves to show the differences
between absolute and relative (normalized) scales, and to show that my
results are similar to JGA's.
"Absolute scale" gives the voters a common scale to rate on, to model
the Range component passing IIA. The voters' utilities in this model are
maximum if the candidate is at the same point in opinion space as they
are, and minimum at a utility that the spatial model (with random
candidates and voters) would exceed 90% of the time. Since this 90%
quantile doesn't depend on the candidates who were selected, it's an
absolute scale, and 10% of the voter-candidate judgements would be
clamped to zero, on average.
On the other hand, "normalized" has the voters rate their least favorite
zero and their favorite to maximum.
"Mean utility cutoff" is the (relative scale) Approval guideline where
the voter approves every candidate above mean utility and disapproves
everybody else. Though a relative scale, it's not quite the same thing
as "normalized".
STAR uses a scale of 0-5 inclusive. Since the official STAR ballot text
tells the voters to normalize,[4] I've only included the normalized
manipulability value.
For most of the other cardinal methods and their hybrids, I've given
both 0-5 and 0-10 ballot formats. The 11-slot ballot makes it easier to
show a difference of preference, which helps identify the honest Smith
set in Smith//Range. However, there's not otherwise much of a difference.
[1] Absolute scale approval has a high tie rate of 5%, so it's possible
that it should "really" be worse than Range. My simulator deliberately
only checks elections with unique honest winners.
[2] The detailed stats suggest that pushover is a problem with
Smith//DAC. However, getting a per-strategy breakdown for cardinal
methods is hard due to limitations of my simulator, so it would still
have to be verified by other means. The "mean utility truncation" is
what makes it cardinal in my simulator's eyes.
[2] Green-Armytage, James (2011). "Four Condorcet-Hare hybrid methods
for single-winner elections". Voting matters (29): p. 7;
[3] https://www.starvoting.org/paper_ballots Step 3.
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