[EM] Adjusting Frequency of EMM Emails by Changing Global Digest Options

Sass sass at equal.vote
Wed Jun 19 14:07:31 PDT 2024

Hi all,

Despite being signed up on this list for less than a year and "reading"
most of the emails, I still have over 200 unread emails tagged "EMM List"
in my inbox. I asked RobLa about switching to a daily digest and he sent me
the following:

Hi Sass,
> I looked into your subscription, and it would appear you are already
> flagged for receiving the list in the digest form.
> One global change that I just made was changing the digest threshold from
> 30k to 300k.  It could be that digest members (like yourself) were
> receiving messages much more frequently than daily because of the low
> digest threshold.
> Documentation for the digest settings can be found here:
> https://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-admin/node19.html
> I'd be willing to make more changes to the global digest settings if you
> find an obvious win or two in the list of options.  Feel free to send an
> email to election-methods asking about changes you would hope that I make
> to the list settings.  It may be that other digest users are silently
> suffering rather than speaking up.
> Rob

I think a simple increase of the threshold is probably sufficient, but the
link RobLa provided shows other options for the way digests would work. I
think it's worth it for y'all to review and discuss the options in case EMM
List members want something else.

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