[EM] Why no Condorcet proposals?
Bob Richard [lists]
lists001 at robertjrichard.com
Wed Jan 10 12:07:35 PST 2024
A Condorcet-compliant method, Nanson, was used in the small city of
Marquette, Michigan in the 1920s. It would be very instructive to learn
why it was repealed. I have never seen anything more than a passing
mention of this episode, so this research would probably involve
traveling to Marquette and rummaging around in newspaper archives,
county election records and the public library. On the other hand, this
part of Michigan is a beautiful place to visit. Any takers?
--Bob Richard
------ Original Message ------
>From "Michael Ossipoff" <email9648742 at gmail.com>
To "EM list" <election-methods at electorama.com>
Date 1/10/2024 11:34:57 AM
Subject [EM] Why no Condorcet proposals?
>That question was recently asked.
>Condorcet has many versions, & there’s no agreement on that matter.
>So Condorcet doesn’t have any enactment-projects, or even an
>Condorcet was computationally infeasible for more than a few
>candidates, in the days when Hare began being adopted a century ago.
>Hence its particularly great unfamiliarity.
>Those things are regrettable, because only Condorcet can fully reassure
>our thoroughly-conditioned lesser-evil voters that they needn’t
>too-vote an evil.
>How about proposing Condorcet in your community, & demonstrating it in
>various nonpolitical votes.
>Sometimes a city, county or state governing-body will outright enact a
>voting-system reform. That’s happened for RCV.
>…or maybe would order & schedule a referendum, as has likewise happened
>for RCV.
>But, as a last-resort, one could advertise on bulletin-boards, online,
>in the classifieds, etc., to convene a Condorcet enactment committee,
>for the pursuit of an initiative.
>Suggest, to them, a few of the simpler & long-discussed versions, such
>CW, Implicit-Approval (CW, IA).
>Neither needs mention of the Smith-set or cycles.
>Both thwart offensive-truncation, & deter burial if people use the
>defensive-strategy of refusing to rank anyone they don’t like & don’t
>wish to beat the CW via burial.
>That committee could then conduct focus-groups, in person or online, to
>find out which Condorcet version would have the best chance of
>Obviously Approval would be the best voting-system by which for that
>focus-group to vote among the proposals. Participants should be asked
>to approve (only) the proposal(s) that they’d support in an initiative.
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