[EM] Just a thought

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km_elmet at t-online.de
Fri Apr 19 13:21:49 PDT 2024

On 2024-04-19 21:58, Closed Limelike Curves wrote:
> IRV fails ISDA, so removing all non-Smith members can affect the 
> IRV-ordering of Smith set members.

Yes. I don't think Woodall was claimed to be ISDA.

James Green-Armytage gives the following election:

6: D>A>B>C
5: B>C>A>D
4: C>A>B>D

and says that Woodall elects B whereas Smith//IRV elects A. Since 
Woodall restricted to the Smith set is just IRV, this shows that Woodall 
fails ISDA. Benham also elects B, thus failing ISDA as well.


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