[EM] "Margin Sorted Minimum Losing Votes (equal rated whole)" candidate in poll
Chris Benham
cbenhamau at yahoo.com.au
Thu Apr 11 01:17:07 PDT 2024
I'm not completely clear on what the "equal rated whole" part means, and
likely there are some other possible
voters who have no idea what any of it means.
This is what I think it all means.
Voters rank the candidates from the top, equal ranking an truncation
allowed. Then we construct a pairwise matrix.
A ballot voting A over B gives one vote in the A-B comparison to A and
nothing to B. A ballot that truncates (or votes
equal-bottom) both A and B gives nothing to both in the A-B comparison.
But in the case a ballot explicitly votes A=B above bottom, do you
propose that the ballot give a whole vote each to
A and B in the A-B comparison? (Until I hear otherwise from you, I'll
assume this is what you mean.)
An alternative reasonable idea would be for this to be only the case
where the ballot votes A and B below no other
candidates, and if they are voted A=B above bottom but below top then
the ballot gives half a vote to each of A and
B in the A-B comparison.
In any case I understand that we score each candidate according to the
minimum number of votes they got in a pairwise
loss, and order them from highest to lowest.
Then candidates are listed in score order and if any adjacent pairs are
pairwise out of order then this is corrected by
flipping the out-of-order pair with the smallest margin. If there is a
tie for this we flip the lowest scored tied pair. Repeat until
there are no adjacent pairs of candidates that are pairwise out of
order, then elect the highest-ordered candidate.
I am favourably disposed to this, but I'd like some clarification (and
hopefully some de-confusing justification) on the issue
of how we treat equal ranking (or "rating").
Chris Benham
> *Ted Stern*dodecatheon at gmail.com
> <mailto:election-methods%40lists.electorama.com?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BEM%5D%20Poll%20on%20voting-systems%2C%0A%20to%20inform%20voters%20in%20upcoming%20enactment-elections&In-Reply-To=%3CCAHGFzOTaPTdMnVw7TELxExvM4ZjbAEtaxJWZ-%2Bpcttf4ATXhPw%40mail.gmail.com%3E>
> /Sat Apr 6 12:33:35 PDT 2024/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I'd like to nominate
> Margin Sorted Minimum Losing Votes (equal rated whole)
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