[EM] Friendly Approval

Colin Champion colin.champion at routemaster.app
Wed Oct 26 08:17:54 PDT 2022

On 25/10/2022 02:35, Forest Simmons wrote:
> Remember Toby Nixon, a Washington State legislator who seriously 
> consulted with the EM List members to find the simplest decent 
> Condorcet proposal with a good chance of being adopted?
> The method we settled on was Approval based Benham, which we called 
> DMC for Democratic Majority Choice (or Definite Majority Choice for 
> Republicans).
I have to say, I don't think the answer given to Nixon was a good one. 
Condorcet methods will never catch on until their supporters are willing 
to put their weight behind simple, well-established methods. Minimax is 
at the right level.

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