[EM] Simplest ever DeCloned Copeland

Forest Simmons forest.simmons21 at gmail.com
Wed May 11 23:36:39 PDT 2022

My most recent Copeland attempt ...

Each voter designates a candidate on her ballot B as "The One To Beat For
My Point." (TOTBFMP)

Lacking a Condorcet Winner, elect the candidate that, on the most ballots,
pairwise defeats the TOTBFMP designated candidate.

In other words, for each ballot B let T(B) be the candidate designated
TOTBFMP on ballot B.

Elect argmax N(X), where N(X) is the number of ballots in the set
{B| X pairwise defeats T(B)}.

So ordinary clone infested Copeland elects the candidate that pairwise
defeats the most other candidates, while this version elects the candidate
that fulfills the defeat requests of the most voters.
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