[EM] IRV counting with integers to handle multiple candidates at the same preference level

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km_elmet at t-online.de
Sat Jan 29 05:28:50 PST 2022

On 27.01.2022 20:49, Forest Simmons wrote:
> El jue., 27 de ene. de 2022 2:44 a. m., Kristofer Munsterhjelm
> <km_elmet at t-online.de <mailto:km_elmet at t-online.de>> escribió:
>     On 27.01.2022 04:26, Forest Simmons wrote:
>     > Here's how to make even IRV precinct summable in a practical way, even
>     > when there are 135 candidates with 135 factorial permutations, and
>     many
>     > more when you take equal rankings an truncations into account:
>     >
>     > Encode each ballot as a string, just as we do on EM list election
>     > profiles. Add the ballot strings together algebraically as though each
>     > string were a variable name. Algebra software easily adds these
>     strings
>     > together algebraically (as opposed to string concatenation) by
>     > collecting like terms on the fly. The precinct sums are added
>     together,
>     > as well, again by collecting like terms. The coefficients of the
>     > collected terms tell how many ballots in each faction, just as in
>     our EM
>     > example profiles.
>     >
>     > You don't need to initialize 135 factorial bins, when almost all
>     of the
>     > would end up empty, anyway!
>     It has always been known that any method is summable in O(V) space :-)
>     Summable in the sense of the criterion means more like O(log V) *
>     O(C^k).
>     Strictly speaking, yes, you could store all the votes on a memory card.
>     Suppose the election has a billion voters and there are 10 candidates.
>     We need 22 bits to store the permutation index since log_2(10!) =
>     21.791... (Arithmetic coding might get you even closer, but ignore
>     for now.)
>     This times a billion voters gives 22 gigabit = 3 gigabytes, simple and
>     easy. And that's before compression, so it's a worst bound. Most likely
>     there are a lot of voters who would vote from left to right or vice
>     versa, and considerably fewer who would vote far right first, far left
>     second.
>     So, if this is easy, then what are the downsides? I guess there are two.
>     First, that detailed ballot information makes it easier to buy and sell
>     votes, because you could use the ranking as a signature to prove that
>     you're voting the way your benefactor wants you to.
> The precinct summary would be something like
> 150 ABCDEFG+920BADEFG+ ...13GFED

Yes. That is an explicit compression version of my method, and using
text instead of binary.

If you want to put every bit to maximum use, then instead of the string
"ABCDEFG", you can use a 13 bit integer field; in this case, the field
would have value 0. GFEDCBA would correspond to value 5039. Truncation
and equal rank make it a bit harder; I tried to construct a bijection
between truncated/equal-rank ballots and integers once but didn't quite
manage to do it.

If V >> c!, then the best format is an array c! long that gives how many
voters voted for each particular ranked ballot. If V << c!, then the
best approach is just a list of the rank indices for each voter (this
list should probably be sorted so as not to leak information about what
the tenth voter voted).

If the number of distinct orders is small, then it may pay off to, in
effect, RLE encode by index number. The fields would then look like:

(index number, number of voters voting this way)

for every index where there's at least one vote. E.g. if 1024 people
vote ABCDEFG, then the pair is (0, 1024). The loss here is that you use
some bits explicitly denoting the index.


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