[EM] Quick and Clean Burial Resistant Smith, compromise
Colin Champion
colin.champion at routemaster.app
Mon Jan 17 00:48:22 PST 2022
A bit of a side question, but is strategy resistance a good metric to quote?
FIrstly, you'd never rank methods on it - you'd end up choosing a
coin toss.
Secondly, voting methods recommended for their resistance to
tactical voting sometimes have the property that when they go wrong,
they make larger mistakes than those made by methods targeting sincere
voting. If you don't take this into account, you can draw misleading
Thirdly, consider a 3-candidate election using IRV. The central
candidate is the Condorcet winner, but supporters of one of the
non-central candidates realise that the opposed non-central candidate is
likely to win owing to the operation of a centre squeeze, and therefore
compromise on the central candidate. This satifies JGA's definition of
strategic manipulation but is certainly not an additional fault in IRV;
on the contrary, it's a mitigation of its weakness under sincere voting.
My own practice has been to measure the performance of methods in the
presence of tactical voting exactly as I would in its absence, simply
skipping over any attempted manipulation which doesn't lead to a worse
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