[EM] Better than Condorcet?

Colin Champion colin.champion at routemaster.app
Sat Feb 5 10:02:31 PST 2022

Kristofer wrote: "The best VSE-wise method I know of is Sinkhorn, which 
is not Condorcet either..." I added it to my big evaluation and found it 
to be somewhat weaker than Borda.

The reason for expecting better from it is Warren D. Smith's own 
evaluation in which the Borda count itself outperforms Condorcet 
methods.[1] It appears that Smith's voting model is not spatial in the 
conventional sense, but instead an unexplained multidimensional model in 
which a dot product takes the place of distance; this model is outlined 
in his "Range voting" paper of 2000. So the poor showing of the Sinkhorn 
method in my own evaluation is not inconsistent with its good showing in 


[1]. https://rangevoting.org/StratHonMix.html, brought to my notice by 

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