[EM] Spatial models -- Polytopes vs Sampling

Colin Champion colin.champion at routemaster.app
Fri Feb 4 03:30:57 PST 2022

In terms of political realism, I might add that I also see considerable 
merit in a GMM. If there is a racial divide in outlook then it's 
hopeless to try to capture it with a smooth distribution.


On 04/02/2022 11:04, Colin Champion wrote:
> I haven't followed this discussion - sorry if I'm missing something. I 
> quite like Jameson Quinn's model of an infinite number of dimensions 
> of progressively diminishing importance. On the other hand, if 'n 
> dimensions' is understood as meaning n dimensions of equal importance, 
> then it seems to me intuitively unattractive. As a first approximation 
> I might describe politics on a left/right axis; as a second I might 
> distinguish between economic and social liberalism but expect them to 
> be correlated (leading to a cigar-shaped 2D Gaussian) etc. (This 
> doesn't help Daniel who wants an upper limit.)
> Quinn's model is on his vse page: 
> http://electionscience.github.io/vse-sim/VSE/

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