[EM] Making any method DH3-proof

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km_elmet at t-online.de
Tue Aug 2 01:57:14 PDT 2022

On 7/26/22 8:27 PM, Forest Simmons wrote:
> Here's another possibility: when both methods yield the same finalist, 
> enlist the most likely victim of burial as the other finalist.
> For example, the Smith member with the least implicit approval is 
> usually a likely victim.
> With that choice, the winner of the honest runoff (besides not being the 
> HCL) would be a member of the strategic ballot Smith set.

There's probably a connection between UD methods that try to deter 
burial and this kind of construction. The UD methods attempt to 
automatically perform the runoff while this construction makes sure
(when there is a risk of strategy) that at least the runoff result will 
be honest. They're probably not entirely the same, since the implied 
honesty of the second round would make some runoff combinations possible 
that would otherwise be too risky, but it wouldn't be surprising if they 
were broadly similar.


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