[EM] Rational counts for election and exclusion

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km_elmet at t-online.de
Sun Oct 24 13:16:57 PDT 2021

On 24.10.2021 11:01, Richard Lung wrote:
> Dea All, 
> There is so much disagreement on a subject when not much is known about
> it; it hasn't advanced much as a science.  Everyone thinks they are an
> expert, because they vote. I thought so. Most scientific improvements
> came in the 19th century, from mathematicians developing the Hare
> system. STV (IMO) the best system perhaps only had one significant
> improvement in the 20th century (Meek method).
> An outstanding problem with all the worlds elections is that they don't
> have rational counts. This is what PR campaigns are essentially all
> about.. FPTP is not a rational election. But no voting methods have a
> rational exclusion count, as well as a rational election count. All the
> worlds voting systems are at best half rational.
> https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1111349

As I tend to say, I would really like to have a computer implementation
of this method (in some form or other) so that I could verify the claims
myself :-)


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