[EM] Single/Multimember districts (was Re: In defence of IRV)
Kristofer Munsterhjelm
km_elmet at t-online.de
Fri Nov 19 06:00:54 PST 2021
On 11/18/21 9:57 PM, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
>> On 11/18/2021 9:12 AM Kristofer Munsterhjelm <km_elmet at t-online.de> wrote:
>> On 16.11.2021 15:52, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
>>> Unfortunately it's top-two vote getters. Each voter has two votes.
>> That's not a particularly good method, no; but if you succeed getting
>> BTR-IRV enacted, and you decide to advocate for replacing the top-two
>> method with STV, you could use the BTR version.
>> Every STV variant with the same surplus election mechanism passes Droop
>> proportionality, so modifying the elimination mechanism (like BTR-IRV
>> does) won't make it fail Droop. So getting BTR-IRV passed shouldn't
>> hinder future adoption of STV.
> But Kristofer, there is a little bit of a problem using BTR for
> multimember STV. Consider the 2009 election in Burlington. Suppose we
> stopped at two candidates (because we have two seats) instead of one.
> Then the Plurality candidate (Kurt Wright) and the Condorcet candidate
> (Andy Montroll) would be elected to the two available seats. The Hare
> IRV winner (Bob Kiss), who was actually preferred by voters over the
> Plurality candidate (Wright), which is what was demonstrated in the IRV
> final round in 2009, that IRV winner would not have been elected in
> multi-winner BTR-STV. Some people might say that Kiss should be in the
> top two (and elected in a two-winner contest).
Fortunately, the multiwinner version has an additional election
component where candidates who exceed a Droop quota of first preferences
are always elected and the surplus redistributed. This avoids the
problem you're referring to.
To show in practice: the Burlington election ballots are
1332: M>K>W
767: M>W>K
455: M
2043: K>M>W
370: K>W>M
568: K
1510: W>M>K
495: W>K>M
1289: W
after every candidate but Montroll, Kiss, and Wright have been
eliminated. The first preference counts are as follows:
Montroll: 2554
Kiss: 2981
Wright: 3294
The Droop quota for two seats is 8829/3 = 2943.
As both Wright and Kiss exceed a Droop quota before any reweighting has
been done, they both win, and so the two-seat outcome consists of Wright
and Kiss (not Montroll).
The more I look, the more the Burlington election looks like the Left,
Center, Right example (https://electowiki.org/wiki/Left,_Center,_Right).
Not only does IRV get both wrong, but they both show that house
monotonicity is incompatible with Condorcet and the DPC.
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