[EM] Brian Olson's district algorithm mentioned in 538 article re gerrymandering

Rob Lanphier robla at robla.net
Thu Jan 25 21:09:54 PST 2018

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 12:40 PM, Ted Stern <dodecatheon at gmail.com> wrote:
> https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/hating-gerrymandering-is-easy-fixing-it-is-harder/
> There's a link to a nice interactive map, which includes Brian Olson's algorithm as the "mathematical" solution.

Thanks for pointing that out, Ted!  There are also a bunch of us over
on Facebook in "The Gerrymandering Project" discussion group over on
Facebook.  One way to get there, go to this page:

...and click on "Join the discussion".  There was a complaint there in
the past week or so about how the proportional representation
advocates seemed to have taken over the place.  There was a suggestion
that maybe there was a better forum to talk about proportional
representation (and I was tempted to suggest this mailing list).

Much of the more recent discussion has shifted toward whether the
gerrymandering is really such a bad thing, and whether the electoral
college is really such a bad thing.  Also, we've discussed a variant
of CMU's cake cutting algorithm.  It's been an interesting discussion.


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