[EM] Schulze STV question

Andrew Myers andru at cs.cornell.edu
Sun Jan 15 10:19:23 PST 2017

CIVS has an (implemented) proportional mode that operates over sets of 
candidates (http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/proportional.html) and it does 
get used. However, in principle it can be much less efficient than 
regular Condorcet for the reasons Markus identified.

-- Andrew

Ross Hyman wrote:
> Let’s say that I want to define the winning sets of an election for n seats in the manner of sequential STV but using the beat paths as defined by Schulze STV, that is I want to define a winning set of n candidates as a set that has a beat path to every other set of n candidates that differ from it by one candidate (instead of to every other set of n candidates with no restriction).  Can this be efficiently done?

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