[EM] Small National Assembly. Bottom-Up Government.

Fred Gohlke fredgohlke at verizon.net
Sat Nov 26 07:57:50 PST 2016

Good Morning, Michael

re: "The formation of a new government will happen spontaneously
      if & when that realization becomes universal."

How will that happen if people who recognize "that we have no democracy, 
and that the regime has no intention of allowing any democracy" don't 
write about it and talk about it?  To imagine that those who do not 
write and talk about it are not leaders is facile.

re: "... I read that George Washington used more brutal military
      force to put down the Whisky Rebellion than against the
      British.  It seems people a little to the west weren't
      paying their taxes on the whiskey that they were making for
      themselves.  And didn't George Washington own slaves?"

In what way are either of these two points relevant to the warning 
Washington gave us in his Farewell Address?

re: "... the above paragraph that you're referring to the
      Republocrats, not the Greens, etc."

I did not refer to any specific party.  However, if you want party 
references, think of National Socialism in Germany and Communism in 
Russia.  Both had features that attracted broad public support 
throughout a national expanse and both degenerated into destructive 
forces because their partisans gained control of their governments.

re: "Not unless you want to make it illegal for parties to form.
      Because, otherwise, a group of same or similarly believing
      people can get together and publish the policies that they
      advocate, and (democratically, with public participation)
      choose candidates who agree with those policy proposals.
      How would you stop them, Fred?"

That's silly.  I don't want to stop them, that is precisely the end I 
seek.  I want to encourage people to get together and agree on the 
issues that need to be addressed and the people best able to address 
them.  I just want to be sure non-partisans are part of the process.  As 
to how I'd arrange for them to get together, I've described the method 
on EM before.  It's simple, straightforward, and works in any community 
that's unhappy with the status quo.

re: "I wouldn't vote for anyone who refuses to divulge what
      hir policy proposals are."

Perhaps not, but you might not have a problem making a choice from among 
people who were discussing political issues with you and describing 
their preferred course of action.

Fred Gohlke

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