[EM] Voting-System Choice for Polls (Just one more thing I want to say)

Toby Pereira tdp201b at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Dec 21 15:21:35 PST 2016

Using winning votes instead of margins doesn't warrant a new name. It's just a variant of ranked pairs. If I decided my favourite method was Schulze but with margins (it's not by the way), I would call it Schulze with margins. I wouldn't come up with a new name for it and present it as a new invention.

      From: Michael Ossipoff <email9648742 at gmail.com>
And, by the way, you're calling MAM  "Tideman's Ranked-Pairs method".

Incorrect. I don't advocate Tideman's Ranked-Pairs method.

MAM is different from Tideman's Ranked-Pairs method in at least two important ways:

1. MAM uses winning-votes (wv) as its measure of defeat-strength.

2. MAM incorporates tiebreaking bylaws that give it desirable criterion-compliances even with a very small electtorate. ...something that can be important in polls.

...especially my EM polls :^)

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