[EM] new simple legal strategy to get IRV
Juho Laatu
juho.laatu at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 01:00:12 PDT 2015
I just note that there can be also simple ballots like in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_list (see the picture). If one wants to expand that to ranked ballots with high number of candidates, one could simply allow the voter to write multiple numbers in the ballot instead of only one. One could thus cast a ranked vote by writing few numbers, e.g. "23 74 74 5 234 321".
The ballot could be as small as in the picture and still allow ranking of e.g. 5 candidates.
> On 08 Oct 2015, at 21:13, Gervase Lam <gervase at madasafish.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2015-10-05 at 17:05 -0400, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
>> because you cannot have infinite area on a paper ballot (and i am still
>> for the killing of trees to leave a paper trail for election integrity),
>> the only solution to keep the number of candidates from outstripping the
>> number of ranking levels are reasonable ballot-access laws. if your
>> ballot has, say, 5 levels of ranking, then the ballot access laws (the
>> number of petition signatures needed to get on the ballot) should be
>> sufficiently strict to prevent, in a typical election year, more than 5
>> candidates (plus one write-in) on the ballot.
> It seems like a least a few countries have not been deterred from using
> massive ballot papers. Google Image search came in very handy. Look
> for the images in the following web pages.
> <http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2013/08/23/3832651.htm>
> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2067282/Egypt-votes--woodpecker-pen-tractor-banana-Symbols-ballot-paper-represent-candidates-help-illiterate.html>
> <http://easternblot.net/2012/09/12/dutch-elections/>
> <http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/why-all-our-top-parties-are-doing-voters-a-disservice-by-cramming-the-european-parliament-ballot-papers-with-the-names-of-no-hope-candidates/>
> I get the feeling there are several more countries that could be added
> to the above list.
> Thanks,
> Gervase.
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