[EM] New Hugo (Science Fiction Award) voting method
Michael Rouse
mrouse1 at mrouse.com
Sun Aug 23 17:27:38 PDT 2015
I'm not sure how many people here are fans of science fiction, but there
was a big brouhaha at this years awards (which I'll ignore), and one of
the results was the proposal of a new method of choosing winners:
*Short Title: E Pluribus Hugo (Out of the Many, a Hugo)*
Moved, to amend section 3.8 (Tallying of Nominations), section 3.9
(Notification and Acceptance), and section 3.11 (Tallying of Votes) as
Section 3.8: Tallying of Nominations.
3.8.1: Except as provided below, the final Award ballots shall list in
each category the five eligible nomineesreceiving the most nominations.
If there is a tie including fifth place, all the tied eligible nominees
shall be listed.determined by the following multi-round process
described in 3.8.8.
3.8.2: The Worldcon Committee shall determine the eligibility of
nominees and assignment to the proper category of works nominated in
more than one category.
3.8.3: Any nominations for “No Award” shall be disregarded.
3.8.4: If a nominee appears on a nomination ballot more than once in any
one category, only one nomination shall be counted in that category.
3.8.5: No nominee shall appear on the final Award ballot if it received
fewer nominations than five percent (5%) of the number of ballots
listing one or more nominations in that category, except that the first
three eligible nominees, including any ties, shall always be listed.
3.8.6: The Committee shall move a nomination from another category to
the work’s default category only if the member has made fewer than five
(5) nominations in the default category.
3.8.7: If a work receives a nomination in its default category, and if
the Committee relocates the work under its authority under subsection
3.2.9 or 3.2.10, the Committee shall count the nomination even if the
member already has made five (5) nominations in the more-appropriate
3.8.8: The final Award ballots shall list in each category the eligible
finalists as determined by successive rounds of a two-phase elimination
process. In this process, each member gets a single nomination “point”
for each category, and that point will be divided equally among their
nominated works in that category. Selection Phase: In each round, all the works having the least
number of points will be selected for the Elimination Phase (
If there is only one work with the least number of points, then all of
the works with the second-least number of points will be also be
selected for the Elimination Phase in addition to the lowest-point work. Elimination Phase: Of the works identified in the Selection
Phase, the one(s) that appear on the fewest number of nomination ballots
will be removed from all nomination ballots for subsequent rounds as if
they had never appeared on any ballots. Ties: If two or more works are tied for appearing on the fewest
number of nomination ballots, the tied work with the lowest point total
will be eliminated. If there is a tie for appearing on the fewest number
of nomination ballots as well as for lowest point total, then all
members of that tie will be eliminated. Should they deem it necessary to
do so in the future, the Hugo administrators are empowered to take
further measures to break this type of tie, provided those measures are
announced at the beginning of the nomination period for the Hugo Award. If elimination would reduce the number of finalists to fewer
than the minimum number, then instead none of the works from that round
shall be eliminated, and all remaining works shall appear on the final
ballot, extending it if necessary. Subsequent rounds begin by reallocating points as follows: All
works eliminated in previous rounds are removed from all nomination
ballots and treated as if they had never appeared on any nomination
ballot. Members’ points are then reallocated equally among their
remaining nominated works, if any./
Section 3.9: Notification and Acceptance.
3.9.1 Worldcon Committees shall use reasonable efforts to notify
thenominees/finalists/, or in the case of deceased or incapacitated
persons, their heirs, assigns, or legal guardians, in each category
prior to the release of such information. Eachnominee/finalist/shall be
asked at that time to either accept or decline the nomination. Ifthe
nominee/any finalist(s)/declines the nomination,
thatnominee/finalist(s)/shall not appear on the final ballot./In this
event, once all finalists have had the opportunity to decline, the
nomination system shall be re-run as described in Section 3.8 with the
declined nomination(s) removed from the nomination ballots on which they
appeared. The eligible finalists from this re-run shall be merged with
the remaining potential finalists from the original run. If this merge
would result in more than the maximum number of finalists, then the
ballot shall be extended to include the finalists from both the original
and the re-run of the nomination system. This procedure shall also be
used in the event that a finalist is deemed ineligible./
Section 3.11: Tallying of Votes.
3.11.4: The complete numerical vote totals, including all preliminary
tallies for first, second, … places, shall be made public by the
Worldcon Committee within ninety (90) days after the Worldcon.During the
same period the nomination voting totals shall also be published,
including in each category the vote counts for at least the fifteen
highest vote-getters and any other candidate receiving a number of votes
equal to at least five percent (5%) of the nomination ballots cast in
that category, but not including any candidate receiving fewer than five
votes./During the same period a record of all rounds of the selection
process for each category shall also be published.
It still needs to be ratified at next year's Worldcon, but I was
wondering about other's thoughts. Link, other info, and FAQ is here:
Mike Rouse
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