No subject
Tue May 6 19:13:21 PDT 2014
> As for the utility of a graph of scores: such a graph has less
> information than a pairwise matrix, but that doesn't mean it is useless.
> I tend to look at the various "outputs" like this:
> Full set of ballots -- all information
But hard to manually decipher for more than a very few candidates.
> Pairwise matrix -- lots of information
Including letting anyone compare any two candidates to see how many
voters preferred each over the other (and how many considered neither worth
> One score per candidate -- some information
PROVIDED you can get in more info than ranking provides. You can get
in a bit more than ranking provides - you can show if #1 is liked MUCH
better than #2 - but hard to explain how to read these scores.
> Ranking -- little information
BUT, even in Plurality voting, ranking is often desired and often provided.
> Single winner -- least information
davek at
Dave Ketchum 108 Halstead Ave, Owego, NY 13827-1708 607-687-5026
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