[EM] Preferential voting system where a candidate may win multiple seats

Jameson Quinn jameson.quinn at gmail.com
Sat Jul 20 07:40:32 PDT 2013

I have kept up with this thread only intermittently. It seems to have
strayed significantly far away from its subject line, and while I've been
interested in some of the points that have been made, it's hard to
summarize the thread as a whole.

There is one point I've wanted to make, which seems a bit off-topic, but no
more so than the rest of the thread. That is that a least remainders
approach is not the only way to get something "biproportional". You can
also approach that ideal through delegation. Asset, for instance, is
arguably perfectly proportional in all salient dimensions. And PAL
representation <http://wiki.electorama.com/wiki/PAL_representation> is a
biproportional system that works with a simple vote-for-one ballot. I
encourage the people to follow that link because I think that the ideas in
that system might enrich the conversation in this thread.

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