[EM] Preferential voting system where a candidate may win multiple seats
Kristofer Munsterhjelm
km_elmet at lavabit.com
Sat Jul 20 03:07:28 PDT 2013
On 07/19/2013 11:50 PM, Juho Laatu wrote:
> On 19.7.2013, at 10.18, Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:
>> In such cases, I would also suggest a few of the seats of the
>> parliament be given by a centrist- or minmax-based method (e.g.
>> Condorcet, CPO-SL with few seats, or possibly even minmax approval
>> or something like it). The idea would be that there shouldn't be
>> any kingmakers, but if there's a near-tie, that tie is broken by a
>> moderate group.
> In proportional systems one should distribute most of the seats
> directly to different parties without seeking for compromise
> candidates. I mean that also extreme parties should get their
> proportional share of the seats. Only in the allocaton of the very
> last seats (=last seats at national level) one can take the second
> preferences of the voters into account. The second preferences often
> point to compromise oriented candidates (by definition). The idea of
> favouring compromise candidates thus means taking the second
> preferences of the voters into account when allocating the very last
> seats.
> Sometimes the voters may prefer giving the last seat to a compromise
> party (with only a small fraction of quota of first preference votes
> supporting this decision) to giving it to one of the main parties
> (that might have close to 0.5 quota of first preference votes left
> supporting their candidate). The CPO approach is a good way to
> estimate which allocation of seats would get wide support among the
> electorate.
I was more thinking of doing so as a way of heading off the kingmaker
objection. The objection goes something like: "we need to have a
threshold, because otherwise a very small party might be in position to
make or break a coalition and so would get undue power". A threshold is
an absolute way of avoiding this unless the party is at least to some
extent large enough, but one could also avoid it by giving the
tiebreaker spot to a centrist or broad appeal group. If complexity is
not an issue, having a centrist tiebreaker group might even be
preferable, since a threshold is indiscriminate about where it gives
that tiebreaker power: a medium sized party could still become kingmaker
were it lucky enough, given a threshold.
Now that I think about it, that might be a way to improve the inequality
between proportional representation and coalition voting power. This
could be done in one of two ways.
One could just state it as a constraint problem: "given n adjustable
seats, allocate so as to minimize the difference between coalition power
and representation according to some metric". Like biproportional
apportionment, this can be done by either departing from perfect
representation of from perfect coalition power proportionality, and
probably would meet somewhere in the middle.
The other option is to use parties or candidates with centrist positions
or broad appeal as tiebreakers by themselves. If these are elected
separately[1] to the main body of PR representatives, this would be more
understandable to the voter, I think. The designer could say "we used to
have a 2% threshold to keep radicals from getting undue power; now we
give 2% of the seats to a moderating body instead, which is more
consistent and doesn't necessarily deprive the minor parties of a voice".
The former option is pretty straightforward in the explanatory sense (if
difficult to actually implement because of the computational cost). But
the second might require some more thought.
I often find it useful to consider extremes to determine the underlying
logic. The extreme of the second option would be to give the entire
parliament to a compromise group. In effect, that's what a single-winner
rule does. If we consider a single-winner election as a "council" with
only one seat and put it into the logic of the second option, then the
single-winner election should give a candidate with broad support
because the alternatives give a less accurate result. If one gives the
single seat to a wing candidate, then the other voters are left
So what happens as we increase the number of seats? On the one hand, the
quantization error due to the limited number of seats goes down. This is
what permits PR in the first place. On the other, to the degree that the
various members of the council are going to engage in coalition games,
power starts to move from the center of the opinion space given by those
So, ideally speaking, PR opposes the tendency for the leadership of the
central group to impose its views on the rest of the group (which when
taken to its extreme can lead to the kind of corruption and inefficiency
associated with one-party states). This it does by giving the different
groups a voice and by making negotiation public. It is not perfect,
because negotiation can still be concealed through backroom deals, but
it's better than having no public negotiation at all.
And similarly, again ideally speaking, giving tiebreaker powers to a
broad group counters disproportionality in power. While I don't know of
any councils arranged in that way, I'd think that if implemented
properly, it would limit swings that would otherwise happen due to the
composition of the council (instead of due to swings in voter opinion).
Smaller groups can lead to greater disproportionality in power because
they can align in many directions - one can see that by considering the
extreme where there's only one very large group. So thresholds might be
present to limit disproportionality in power, and if so, one would not
need thresholds if the second option were used instead.
But it doesn't seem we can get further or derive an intuitive reason for
how much of the council to give to the tiebreaker group. It depends on
many things: how corruptible the center group is (which factors in as
cost of giving power to it), how static and unresponsive the center
group is (ditto), how unified the parties are (less unified means
power-bloc analysis is not as appropriate and PR is more likely to also
grant proportionality of power), and whether there are limits to what
alliances may happen (a point Wahlberg expressed quite well: the smaller
left-wing parties are not likely to ally themselves with right-wing
parties, for instance[2]).
Perhaps there's a sharp bend to the Pareto frontier, i.e. that giving no
seats to a center group would mean disproportionality of power would be
quite common, while giving just a few would significantly decrease the
chance of unrepresentative kingmaker parties, and giving more seats
don't noticeably decrease the chance further before the whole council
consists of centrists. If so, one can just place the trade-off at that
sharp bend and be done with it; but even finding it would require
further research.
For that matter, the same reasoning applies to thresholds. How can one
tell whether the threshold should be 2% absolute, 4% absolute, or 4% for
leveling seats only? There does not seem to be any "mathematical" way of
determining why. Instead, it's a political decision.
[1] Here I mean that the process uses additional seats instead of
redistributing; it may not need a different ballot. But by using
additional seats, I think there's a lesser chance that it would be seen
as somehow "tampering with the proper result".
[2] Parties that absolutely don't like each other can be considered
within this category as well; and so one reaches the conclusion that in
a country where parties just can't form coalitions and the government
changes very rapidly, a majoritarian system is preferable. If the
paralysis is too bad, then that kind of adjustment happens de facto
anyway: the bureaucracy or civil service decides to govern as the only
stable component in a system that can't otherwise decide. But the
bureaucracy might have biases of its own: it tends to be very interested
in its own perpetuation, for one. Thus that is not desirable.
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