[EM] Survey of Multiwinner Methods

Andrew Myers andru at cs.cornell.edu
Mon Jan 7 19:48:38 PST 2013

On 1/7/13 4:04 PM, Greg Nisbet wrote:
> Hey, I'd like to get a sense of what sorts of multiwinner methods are 
> currently known that are reasonably good and don't require districts, 
> parties, or candidates that are capable of making decisions (I'm 
> looking at you, asset voting).
I will once again mention that there is a Condorcet multiwinner method 
implemented in the CIVS voting system that you can try out right this 
instant if you are so inclined. In fact, this proportional method gets 
used pretty frequently by the rather numerous CIVS users.

   See: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/civs/proportional.html

By the way, I am happy to host other methods if people want to integrate 
them into the CIVS code base, which is publicly available.

-- Andrew
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