[EM] Default MMV meaning, for MMV without qualifying designations

Michael Ossipoff email9648742 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 05:08:35 PST 2013

I've described 3 versions of MMV: 1-stage, 2-stage, and 3-stage.

When I say MMV, without any qualifying designations, this is what i mean.

The 2-stage version. Do the 3rd stage only if no alternative is
unbeaten, and, then, only until no alternative is unbeaten, discarding
cycles of weakest defeats first.

MMV definition, self-contained:

Any alternative having a defeat that doesn't get discarded is
disqualified from winning.

A defeat contradicts a set of defeats if it's in a cycle consisting
only of itself and them.

Stage 1:

Discard every defeat that contradicts a set of un-discarded stronger defeats.

Stage 2:

Then discard every defeat that contradicts a set of defeats consisting
of 1 or more defeats equal to it, and one or more un-discarded defeats
stronger than it.

Do stage 3 only if there are then no unbeaten alternatives:

Stage 3:

Until there is an unbeaten altertnative, discard, one at a time,
cycles of equal defeats, in order of cycles of weaket defeats first.

[end of MMV definition]

If I refer to any other MMV version, it will be by specifying
"1-stage", "Plain 2-stage", or "Plain 3-stage".

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