[EM] Fwd: Two MMV definiions (brief, and ordered-procedure)

Michael Ossipoff email9648742 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 19:01:29 PST 2013


You wrote:

However, there’s no way to add another ballot to make B the unique winner,
in violation of resolvability.

This failure is silly because, if the three 4/3 defeats had been sorted in
_any_ strict order, D > A would have been ignored for already forming a
cycle with the 5/2 defeats, and the final result would unambiguously be A
> B > C > D.

In MMV as defined by me, both the DA and AB defeats are discarded
because they cycle with a set of defeats that contains stronger
defeats, but no weaker ones. That's a briefer wording of the
requirement in my definitions.

But, with DA and AB discarded, neither A nor B has a kept defeat, and
so the result is a tie bettween A and B.

The method against which your example is intended, in your initial
post, is different from MMT, and so I don't now if MMT even fails
Resolvability.   But, as I said, you'd have to say why Resolvability
is necessary.

This feels like an oversight in the MMV definition, and although it’s
highly unlikely to matter in practice, fixing it is simple enough. At
each step, when considering a set of equally strong defeats, we should
immediately discard any defeats that would complete a cycle with strictly
stronger affirmed defeats, so that they are not considered for use in
cycles with equally strong defeats.

I'd said:

A defeat contradicts a set of other defeats if it is in a cycle
consisting only of itself and them.

Keep a defeat if it doesn't contradict a set of kept stronger kept
defeats, or a set consisting of defeats equal to it, and of kept
defeats stronger than it is.

[end of brief MMT definition]

Doesn't that do what you suggested?

But it returns a tie in your Resolvability example, when it declines
to keep DA and AB, resulting in A and B nether having a defeat.

Michael Ossipoff

On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Anders Kaseorg <andersk at mit.edu> wrote:
> On 12/08/2013 06:42 PM, Michael Ossipoff wrote:
>> Brief definition:
>> Keep every defeat that doesn't contradict a set of kept stronger defeats,
>> or a set consisting of defeats equal to it, and kept defeats stronger than
>> it.
>> [end of brief MMV definition]
>> Ordered-Procedure MMV definition:
>> In order of stronger first, consider the defeats one at time, as follows:
>> Keep the considerred defeat if it doesn't contradict a set of stronger
>> kept defeats, or a set consisting of defeats equal to it, and kept defeats
>> stronger than it is.
>> [end of ordered-procedure MMV definition]
> This still doesn’t fix the problem I pointed out yesterday[1].  Are you
> intending to fix it, or have you decided to fail resolvability in favor of
> making the definition shorter?
> Anders
> [1]
> http://lists.electorama.com/pipermail/election-methods-electorama.com/2013-December/032423.html

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