[EM] [Urgent] Information about M. Schulze

Jameson Quinn jameson.quinn at gmail.com
Tue May 8 10:13:31 PDT 2012

Can't help you directly, but I do know that he recently edited the
wikipedia page for voting systems:

So you might want to try contacting him on his wikipedia talk page. (Shot
in the dark, but it might work.)


2012/5/8 Rémi <remipeyre at aol.com>

> Dear all,
> A few days ago, I sent an e-mail personally to Markus Schulze to ask him
> some information about himself, as the popularization article I am
> currently writing deals with his eponymous method and it would be far
> better if I could link the concepts explained to alive, real people. But
> Markus did not answer to me, probably because he does not check his e-mail
> box very often, or because my e-mail was taken for spam. As I am very late
> (the article is to appear on next Friday!), I do not have the time to wait
> any more for Makus' answer, so I write to all of you to ask for the desired
> information.
> Below are the questions I asked to Markus [*]. If one of you does know one
> or several answers, please send them to me.
> «
> - Which country are you from?
> - When were you born? (and thus how old were you when you devised your
> method)
> - What are you doing for a job now?
> - And what were you doing for a job when you devised your method?
> - Could you say a few words on the context in which you proposed your new
> idea: what was your goal, why were you interested in questions about the
> mathematics of democracy, what was the heuristics you followed, etc.?
> - Could you send me a photograph of you? (either contemporary, or from the
> time you devised your method: bouth would be fine).
> »
> [*] Concerning the photograph, you may send one to me if you do have one,
> but I could not use it without Markus' authorization (anyhow, it could save
> some time if Markus aswered at the very last minute).
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Rémi Peyre
> ----
> Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info
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