[EM] Length of declaration and prospects for consensus

Fred Gohlke fredgohlke at verizon.net
Thu Sep 8 12:51:25 PDT 2011

Good Afternoon, Michael

re: "We could always try again.  The initial focus should be less
      on building up a text and more on uncovering agreement over
      the content."

You are, of course, correct.  It's generally a good idea to put the 
horse in front of the cart.  The way to compile a complex agreement is 
to identify the points on which all agree - and resolve the differences 
on points where there is disagreement.  It's a building process, one 
block at a time.  A method of accomplishing the task is described at:


(I suppose this submission puts put me firmly within Einstein's 
definition of insanity, but who's here to notice?)

Fred Gohlke

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