[EM] real world 9-winner election using RRV

Warren Smith warren.wds at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 15:41:55 PDT 2011


now updated some more and mentions JQ & KM.  Note there is a Condorcet cycle.

It seems peculiar if your 9 winners  do not include C101.

On 6/25/11, Warren Smith <warren.wds at gmail.com> wrote:
> The musical group who wanted me to process their election, actually wanted,
> not
> a list of 9 winners, but actually an ordering of all 16 candidates,
> top 9 being the winners.
> --
> Warren D. Smith
> http://RangeVoting.org  <-- add your endorsement (by clicking
> "endorse" as 1st step)
> and
> math.temple.edu/~wds/homepage/works.html

Warren D. Smith
http://RangeVoting.org  <-- add your endorsement (by clicking
"endorse" as 1st step)

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