[EM] MRSODA (Mr. Soda), a SODA-inspired PR method (NP-complete???)

fsimmons at pcc.edu fsimmons at pcc.edu
Fri Jun 10 14:31:30 PDT 2011

I second the idea.  Any PR method based on approval ballots could be implemented in this way.  

The main advantage of Range or Approval based methods for PR when compared to STV is shown in the 
following two winner example:

30 A(100)>X(90)>>
20 B(100)>X(90)>>
30 C(100)>Y(90)>>
20 D(100)>Y(90)>>

with utilities in parentheses.

STV picks {A, B} as the winning set.

Any RRV, PAV, etc. pick the set {X, Y}.

The extra simplicity of approval style ballots in SODA is the icing on the cake.

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