[EM] SODA page updated with SODA-PR

Jameson Quinn jameson.quinn at gmail.com
Sun Jul 24 09:46:05 PDT 2011

Just to alert those who may be interested, I've added SODA-PR to the SODA
page on electowiki<http://wiki.electorama.com/wiki/Simple_Optionally-Delegated_Approval#SODA-PR_.28proportional_representation_version_of_SODA.29>

It includes some minor adjustments since the last time I expounded it here:

Simplifying the ballot by including same-district candidates in a larger
font, nearby-district candidates in a smaller font, and far-away candidates
as write-ins only, is now part of the system by default.
Random discards are repeated until the next candidate to be elected is the
same twice in a row. That is intended as a compromise between the
mathematical simplicity of ballot discarding and the deterministic nature of
fractional reweighting. In most cases, it will not affect the result.
Intercandidate can be conditional on being mutual, but not conditional on
anything else. That should allow a reasonable, but not excessive, level of
party discipline.

It also notes the circumstances when this will give the same results as
plurality, to argue that existing plurality winners will find this to be a
relatively-good PR system.

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