[EM] Another method based ratings of zero to three.

fsimmons at pcc.edu fsimmons at pcc.edu
Tue Aug 9 14:33:26 PDT 2011

I know that Kevin is using four levels (zero through three) to test various methods, so here's an idea:
1.  Find the number of votes at each level for each candidate.
2.  If any candidates have scores of "one" on more than fifty percent of the ballots, convert the surplus "ones" to "twos."
3  If the number of candidates with a score of zero on less than fifty percent of the ballots is zero or one, then elect the candidate with the greatest number of positive scores.
4.  Else elect (from among the candidates with satisfying the quota of positive scores) the one with the greatest number of twos and threes.
5. If there is a tie after this stage, elect the tied candidate with the greatest number of ballots having a score of three.
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