[EM] Voting reform statement

Jonathan Lundell jlundell at pobox.com
Mon Aug 15 14:40:57 PDT 2011

On Aug 15, 2011, at 11:58 AM, Jameson Quinn wrote:

> It's true that I might agree to a statement if all it said were "We believe that approval is marginally superior to plurality" (thought to the extent that I agreed, I don't think it's enough better to merit any energy in advocating it). But that's not what you're proposing. Is it?
> No. I'm proposing saying that, in different words, along with a number of other things with which you haven't disagreed. Including that we believe that approval is a step towards systems which we see as significantly superior to plurality. (Remember - just as approval is 2-level Range, approval is also 2-level Schulze or what have you, and also no-intercandidate-preference SODA, etc.) So, either propose some specific change in the language relating to approval, or bring some other objection, or both.

The statement says, in effect, "Range is good, IRV is bad". I disagree. 

Perhaps I'm the only one, in which case it's inconsequential that I'm not aboard.

(What Schulze are we talking about? I associate the name with a Condorcet-cycle-breaking method.)

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