[EM] Voting reform statement

Jameson Quinn jameson.quinn at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 10:31:02 PDT 2011

2011/8/15 Jonathan Lundell <jlundell at pobox.com>

> On Aug 15, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Jameson Quinn wrote:
> 2011/8/15 Jonathan Lundell <jlundell at pobox.com>
>> On Aug 15, 2011, at 7:09 AM, Jameson Quinn wrote:
>> So, what do you think? Let the debate begin. I expect the above to be torn
>> to shreds. But once it's starting to seem stable, I'll make a google doc out
>> of it, so we can collaboratively polish up the language.
>> Where you will lose many of us, I think, is in a flat endorsement of
>> approval. The fundamental problem with approval voting is that, with more
>> than two candidates, voting demands that the voter engage in strategic
>> voting. That is, if my preference is A>B>C, then my decision whether to
>> approve B cannot be made without strategizing. That flies in the face of
>> your fine suggestion that strategy avoidance be an important criterion.
>> (It's not an answer to say that approval strategy is "easy" or "obvious";
>> that's not the point, nor is it generally true, since it depends on having
>> information not generally available about other voters' preferences and
>> strategies.)
> Well, I specifically didn't make such a claim, because, although I believe
> it, I knew it would lose people.
> I would claim that approval strategy is at least as easy/obvious as
> plurality strategy; and that approval reacts at least as well to a lack of
> strategy as plurality.
>> The problems of IRV are minor compared to approval (and any other
>> rating-based system).
> You can believe that and still sign this statement, as long as you believe
> that approval is a worthwhile step up from plurality. Note that the
> statement nowhere claims that approval is better than IRV, just that it is
> likely to be able to get a broader consensus from theorists.
> Still... although you haven't actually said anything that contradicts what
> I wrote, you did say that I will lose you for endorsing approval, which
> makes me suspect that you also feel that approval is not a worthwhile step
> up from plurality. I'd love to convince you otherwise, but the most
> important thing is to get a worthwhile consensus statement. To me, any
> statement that can't flatly endorse even one system is meaningless, and I'd
> guess approval is probably the system which can get the broadest support,
> and also one of the few which has a real chance of being implemented for
> real-world political elections. Am I wrong? Would you, for instance, endorse
> Personally, I see voting reform as a step-by-step process. Yes, approval
> has unsatisfying aspects. But implementing approval is a clear step up from
> plurality; a clear step towards any system you might advocate; and a step
> that would give us useful empirical data to help decide which direction to
> go from there. I think that most voters would be wary of taking a larger
> leap, even to my one of my favored systems, which I think are among the
> simpler of the better options. And since the simpler, safer option of
> approval does exist, I can't even blame voters for that.
> So, the bottom line is: Jonathan, what do you suggest? Do you think that
> this statement would still be useful if we simply removed approval and thus
> made no clear policy suggestion? Do you think that there's some other system
> which could get broader support from this community than approval would? Or
> do you thing that a useful, broadly-supported statement is simply
> impossible? (Or do you see some other option which I don't?)
> I'm doubtful that such a statement is possible, at least if you want
> universal assent.

Not universal, just as broad as possible.

> If we grant for the sake of the argument that approval is strictly
> preferable to plurality (and I might argue with that), then I don't see the
> case for rejecting IRV out of hand. Sure, there are list members who are
> allergic to IRV, but it seems to me that the argument against
> strategy-intensive rules is at least as convincing (more so to me).

There are people here who have reasonable arguments that IRV is strictly
worse than plurality, and so will not sign any statement advocating it. You
are making a reasonable argument that to me says that Approval is only
marginally better than plurality. So I don't see how that precludes you from
being able to sign on to this statement.

Perhaps your argument is better than the anti-IRV argument, but that's not
the point here. We can certainly assume that it's impossible that everyone
here will agree on any statement of that form.

> In general, if the primary reason we're rejecting plurality is its strategy
> problems (and your three listed problems, honest results,
> strategy-resistance, and candidate incentives all fall into a strategy
> category, seems to me), then it's hard for me to see a strong motivation for
> advocating approval.

Again, broadest possible consensus. Approval is nobody's favorite (I think;
it certainly isn't mine), but it's a good next step, and something we can (I
hope) agree on.

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