[EM] Preferential Party List Method Proposal

Dave Ketchum davek at clarityconnect.com
Sun Aug 14 19:32:26 PDT 2011

After reading the ballots into the N*N matrix, look for the strongest  
candidate - the CW or what is found in the cycle when there is no CW.

This fills the first seat.  Then amend the matrix to exclude this CW  
and look in the matrix for whoever would be CW in the remainder.  In  
each step the search is for the "strongest remaining candidate" in the  
amended matrix.

On Aug 14, 2011, at 10:03 PM, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Dave Ketchum wrote:
>> Why transfers?
>> At least, when I said do a CW type search for the strongest  
>> remaining candidate, I thought of this as adequate without  
>> transfers.  I do think of quitting if the remainder are too weak:
>> .     Anyway, quit after filling the limit of seats to fill.
>> .     Quit anyway if remainder are too weak to deserve a seat.
> I'm not really following what you mean by "strongest remaining  
> candidate".

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