[EM] Proportional election method needed for the Czech Green party - Council elections

Peter Zbornik pzbornik at gmail.com
Tue May 4 00:33:11 PDT 2010

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Juho <juho4880 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

>   On May 3, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Peter Zbornik wrote:
>  On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Markus Schulze <
> markus.schulze at alumni.tu-berlin.de> wrote:
>> Dear Raph Frank,
>> you wrote (3 May 2010):
>> > For the rest of the council, I think electing
>> > them using Schulze-STV with the restriction
>> > that only results where the President and VP
>> > are members are allowed would give better
>> > proportionality.
>> If I understand Peter Zbornik correctly, then he
>> wants a ranking of the members of the council, so
>> that it is clear who the 2nd vice president, the
>> 3rd vice president, the 4th vice president, etc.,
>> is.
> Markus Schulze understands me correctly.
>  I understood that the VPs should be ranked but that there is no such
> requirement for the rest of the council. Or are all members of the council
> considered to be numbered VPs?
Normally the National council has three VPs, the regional normally two VPs
(in Prague we have an excption and have unranked VPs) for the local councils
I don't know, I guess two is normal, one VP is not uncommon.
The voters can decide upon the number of VPs and the size of the council
Seven members of the body is standard, I think five is not uncommon.
Some bodies of the party has no VP (that applies normally only for specific
bodies, like audit bodies and such and is rare),
The rest of the council members are not ranked.

> The use of some proportional ranking method indeed distorts proportionality
> a bit. But I proposed to study also this "one method only" approach (as an
> alternative to best possible optimization of the proportionality of the
> council) since the resulting method would be simple and the distortion that
> it causes could be smaller than its benefits.
> Juho
> ----
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