[EM] A monotonic proportional multiwinner method

Raph Frank raphfrk at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 15:00:53 PST 2010

I wonder if this is equivalent to your method;
assign seats to each coalition one at a time, using Sainte-lague,
until there is only 1 coalition possible.

>From your first example:
ABC (70):
AB (24):
AC (18):
BC (28):
A (14):
B (12):
C (27):

Using Sainte-lague to distribute the seats:

ABC-1: 70  (new total 70/3 = 23.3)

BC-1: 28 (new total 28/3 = 9.3)

C-1: 27
{AC, BC}

AB-1: 24
{AC, BC}

ABC-2: 23.3
{AC, BC}

AC-1: 18

Done, {CA} wins.

With your second example:

       ABC              12
       AB                2
       AC                5
       BC                5
       A                 3
       B                 5
       C                 4

ABC (12)

Tie between: AC-1, BC-1, B (5)

Tie break, continue with allocation:
... C (4)
... {AC-1 and BC-1} remain
... {C} wins

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