[EM] I need an example of Condorcet method being subjected to the spoiler effect if any

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km-elmet at broadpark.no
Thu Jan 21 14:05:11 PST 2010

Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> In that case it might be a good starting point to define "spoiler",
> so we know what we've found when we find it.
> What's an example of an IRV spoiler who's not a "pretty strong
> candidate"? 

A very abstract concept of spoiler might be: denote f(X) the minimal 
number of ballot changes/additions required to make X the winner. Then a 
spoiler is a candidate with a high f-value relative to the number of 
ballots (thus "hard to get to win"), who, by his presence, still changes 
who wins.

Determining f(x) for the various candidates would be very hard, though, 
and one also runs into the question of what threshold to say "above this 
f-value, spoiler, below it, not a spoiler".

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