[EM] Two simple alternative voting methods that are fairer than IRV/STV and lack most IRV/STV flaws
Chris Benham
cbenhamau at yahoo.com.au
Fri Jan 15 06:29:22 PST 2010
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote (14 Jan 2010):
>Why does Kathy elsewhere defend Top Two Runoff which isn't monotonic?
"This opinion, stated as fact, is false. Top Two Runoff is a two-step
system, and monotonicity doesn't refer to such. It refers to the
effect of a vote on a single ballot as to the result of that ballot
only. A vote for a candidate on a primary ballot in TTR will always
help the candidate supported to make it either to a majority and a
win, or to make it into the runoff. It never hurts that candidate. "
A vote for any candidate X in any given IRV counting round will likewise
"help X to a majority win or to make it into the next round".
The contention that a "two-step system" (meaning requiring voters to make
two trips to the polls) to elect a single candidate isn't allowed to be judged
in aggregate is absurd.
"Did supporters of the Lizard vote for the Wizard in order to create the Lizard
vs. Wizard election in Louisiana? I rather doubt it. But this wouldn't create a
monotonicity violation, and the problem is created by eliminations,
it doesn't exist with repeated balloting."
With "repeated balloting" there are no eliminations? As I undersatnd it, in
"Top Two Runoff" all but the top two first-round vote getters are eliminated
if no candidate gets more than half the votes in the first round.
Chris Benham
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