[EM] counts of possible rank-order votes

Warren Smith warren.wds at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 13:31:35 PST 2010

as RBJ (and I earlier, and probably many others earlier) proved,
the number of possible rank-order votes
among C candidates is
if rank-equality forbidden and all candidates must be ranked.

And if only some candidates must be ranked it is
floor( C! * e )
...and subtract 1 if disallow empty ballot, and
replace by   floor(C! * (e-1))
if regard ballots ranking all C to be equivalent to those ranking C-1.
(Or do both modifications.)

If rank-equalities permitted, but  all candidates must be ranked, then
one formula should be
    F(C) = sum(for r=1 to C)of    r! * S(C, r)
where the rth summand is for ballots with r rank-levels
and S(n,k) is Stirling number of 2nd kind, pronounced "n subset k".
Those obey the recurrence
S(n, k) = k S(n - 1, k) + S(n - 1, k - 1).
S(k, k)=1.
Sequence F(C) for C=1,2,3,... is
1, 3, 13, 75, 541, 4683, 47293, 545835, 7087261, 102247563,
1622632573, 28091567595, 526858348381, 10641342970443,
230283190977853, 5315654681981355, 130370767029135901,
H.Wilf in book Generatingfunctionology gives the nice infinite sum
    F(C) = sum(j>=0)of j^C / 2^(j+1)
and the exponential generating function is
A superb asymptotic approximation Wilf finds from that is
    F(C) =~= C! / (2 * (ln2)^(C+1))

If rank-equalities permitted, and not all candidates must be ranked, then
one formula should be
   G(C) = sum(for J=0 to C) sum(for r=1 to J)of    r! * S(J, r) *
binomial( C, J )
where the (J,r)th summand is for ballots with J candidates on r ranking levels,
with C-J candidates unranked.  The sequence G(C) for C=1,2,3... is
1, 5, 25, 149, 1081, 9365, 94585, 1091669, 14174521, 204495125,
3245265145, 56183135189, 1053716696761, 21282685940885,
460566381955705, 10631309363962709, 260741534058271801,
Expl generating fn: (exp(2x)-exp(x))/(2-exp(x)).
Formula as single not double sum:
   G(C) = sum(for k=0..C)of (-1)^(C-k) * k! * S(n, k) * (2^k-1)

Amazingly simply, it appears that
   G(C) = 2*F(C) - 1

so there really is only one counting problem here, not two problems.
The underlying reason for that is basically that the unranked
pseudolevel can be regarded as just another ranking level...

Warren D. Smith
http://RangeVoting.org  <-- add your endorsement (by clicking
"endorse" as 1st step)

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