[EM] instant runoff voting paradox probabilities

Warren Smith warren.wds at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 10:58:45 PDT 2010

I computed a large list of paradox probabilities in instant runoff voting
(plurality runoff) using Monte Carlo.

It is here:

My numbers sometimes agree and sometimes disagree with previous work
(including both publshed literature & my own years-old independent calculations)

I would like to resolve the disagreements.  (My computer program is
linked to the
page near bottom.)  They might be due to bugs in my program. Or I
might be right and the older work is erroneous.  Unfortunately it
seems very easy to make errors in this area.

It also would be possible to compute exact results instead of Monte Carlo
inexact results.   (I briefly discuss how on the page.)

I think the table may have bugs but is never hugely far off the truth.

Warren D. Smith
http://RangeVoting.org  <-- add your endorsement (by clicking
"endorse" as 1st step)

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