[EM] Classifying 3-cand scenarios. LNHarm methods again.

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Sun Apr 18 08:21:54 PDT 2010


--- En date de : Sam 17.4.10, robert bristow-johnson <rbj at audioimagination.com> a écrit :
> but cycles don't always happen, and i
> would bet that they rarely happen in the real world. 
> [Burlington example]

I actually view this as possibly evidence of a possibly correctable
problem. Or at least "limitation."

It's the same when people say, why worry about scenarios with three
significant candidates? The real world doesn't have them.

But the election method, and other facets of the political framework,
affect who can be nominated, and where, in what quantities etc.

Kevin Venzke


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