[EM] Classifying 3-cand scenarios. LNHarm methods again.

Markus Schulze markus.schulze at alumni.tu-berlin.de
Sat Apr 17 18:25:57 PDT 2010


Dave Ketchum wrote (18 April 2010):

> Why IRV? Have we not buried that deep enough?
> Why not Condorcet which does better with about
> the same voting?
> Why TTR?  Shouldn't that be avoided if trying
> for a good method? TTR requires smart deciding
> as to which candidates to vote on.
> Will not Condorcet attend to clones with minimum
> pain? Voters can rank them together (with equal
> or adjacent ranks).
> Does not Condorcet properly attend to "symmetric"
> with a voted cycle?

In my opinion, "Condorcet" refers to a criterion
rather than to an election method.

Markus Schulze

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