[EM] Summable opinion space discovery.
Dan Bishop
danbishop04 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 22:16:17 PDT 2009
Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:
> While trying to find a solution to another problem, I discovered
> something that might be used to opinion space from ballots (and the
> candidates' position in that space) in a summable manner.
> Consider a rating- or approval matrix m, where m{voter_1, A} is
> voter_1's rating or approval (0 or 1) of candidate A. Say there are v
> voters and c candidates. Each candidate can now be assigned a
> v-dimensional point according to the ratings by every voter, and we
> can calculate ballot similarity between two candidates by determining
> the distance (according to some metric) between the two candidates'
> assigned points.
> "m" itself is obviously not summable, because it depends on the number
> of voters v. However, we might build a distance matrix q where q{A, B}
> is the distance between A and B according to the metric in question.
> As long as the metric itself is summable, q will be.
> ...
> However, if these problems can be solved, this summable opinion space
> concept could possibly be used to make a summable method that is PR.
> It would probably not be Droop proportional, but if it directly
> detects opinion space and then allocates candidates to reproduce it,
> it would at least be proportional.
> Perhaps there is a more direct way of building opinion space (by using
> SVD or PCA), but I never got that to work. In any case, this is a
> rough idea, so don't pick too much on the details :-)
I've considered an approach like that before. The problem is that
knowing a voter chose C>>B>A doesn't tell you whether the spectrum is
A------------C-v----------B or A-B----------C------------v, so it's
rather difficult to build the opinion space.
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