[EM] Some myths about voting methods
Juho Laatu
juho4880 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jun 6 00:51:55 PDT 2009
--- On Fri, 5/6/09, Warren Smith <warren.wds at gmail.com> wrote:
> Now consider tactics.
> In contrast, with
> preferential ballot, the
> number of possible
> exaggerated-tactical-style votes is
> {Dem > Nader > Repub}
> and {Repub > Nader > Dem}
> which is only 2 options.
Do you have an exact definition for
what votes are acceptable as
sensible(?) rank-order votes here?
Note also that this voting style is
insane in the sense that if we get
50:D>N>R 50:R>N>D then one vote to
Nader would make him the winner
(even if all others would find him
least preferred).
This discussion was mainly about the
amount of information that different
votes carry. Note however that the
meaning of the vote is already a
different story. Range votes are
richer than rank-order votes in the
sense that A>B could be A=9 B=8 or
A=9 B=7. But on the other hand vote
A>B>C where the voter expresses
maximum preference on "A>B" and "B>C"
at the same time can not be expressed
in Range.
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