[EM] simple definition of Schulze method?

Bob Richard lists001 at robertjrichard.com
Thu Jun 4 10:56:45 PDT 2009

I did not consider the possibility that the country in question would 
have a mixed member proportional system. In this case, there are 175 
single-seat constituencies, plus two more tiers, one parallel (I think) 
and one compensatory.

There is some helpful discussion of Hungary's electoral system here:


--Bob Richard

Markus Schulze wrote:
> Hallo,
> Bob Richard wrote (4 June 2009):
>> (1) How is the legislature of your country currently
>> elected? As James Gilmour also said, replacing a
>> proportional method with single-member districts
>> would be a big step backwards.
>> (2) Does your country have a directly-elected President,
>> or elected mayors in the cities, or other executive
>> offices? That's where a Condorcet-compliant method
>> might be an improvement. I say "might be" because the
>> importance of Condorcet compliance relative to other
>> criteria is hotly debated, including in this forum.
> Please read:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_Hungary
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Hungary
> *********
> James Gilmour wrote (4 June 2009):
>>> "Shall the current election method be replaced
>>> by the Schulze method, a preferential
>>> and Condorcet-consistent single-winner
>>> election method?"
>> With due respect, Markus, I can safely say that no
>> ordinary elector in the UK would understand any of
>> the important words in that question. Sad, but true.
> Well, I believe that it is not necessary that the
> voter can understand the question instantly. I believe
> that the law only requires that, after the campaign,
> the voter can understand the question.
> Markus Schulze
> ----
> Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Bob Richard
Marin Ranked Voting
P.O. Box 235
Kentfield, CA 94914-0235

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